Why Canada? > 해외취업 이민정보

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해외취업 이민정보

매일 360일 오후 1시, 수원 본점 무료 설명회
기숙사, 주차 편의기능지원
20~50대 고소득 국내외 취업교육
1599-0508 전화상담 문의

[캐나다] Why Canada?

2023-08-16 14:29 1,147 0
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Why Canada?

 There are plenty of good reasons for choosing Canada: Currently, it has one of

the  fastest growing and most stable economies of all the industrialized nations. Canada places great emphasize on freedom of choice, and even enables its citizens with same-sex marriage. Furthermore, Canada has experienced major growth in mining, Manufacturing, and many other areas in the private sectors. This has resulted in higher salaries and wages, on average, compared to other nations

The Canadian Health Care System

Canada’s publicly-funded health care system is one of the best in the world, and a model for others to follow. Canadian residents never have to worry about going bankrupt from medical bills. Nor do you have to deal with exasperating insurance companies. All you have to do is follow your doctor’s orders. In a recent survey, 91% of Canadian residents were happy with their health care system, as opposed to 25% in the United States. With those kinds of numbers, they have to be doing something right.

School Daze

Another area where Canada shines is their educational systems. They are recognized as one of the best in the world. Canada provides free education all the way through the secondary level, and makes it easy to continue to the University or Trade School level should you desire.

Canada also is one of the easiest countries to earn citizenship in. After just 4 years legal residence, you and your family can apply for full citizenship, and the really great thing is that we will still be there with you to help in the process.

위와 같은 캐나다의 아름다운 자연환경과 경제개발 그리고 개방적인 문화와 선진복지 시스템 등을 이유로 현재 전 세계의 많은 사람들이 캐나다로의 취업을 희망하고 있습니다. 특히 기술자들의 경우 캐나다로의 취업과 이민을 심각하게 고민하며 전화를 주십니다. 그 이유는 캐나다의 경우 기술자들의 가치를 높이 평가하고 그만큼 대우를 해주고 있기 때문입니다.

고소득 전문인력으로 캐나다에서 풍요로운 생활을 꿈꾸시는 분들은 저희 로이드 배관용접학원으로 방문 상담해주시길 바랍니다~

365일 매일 오후 1시 많은 분들이 캐나다 기술자 취업을 통한 취업이민을 상담하러 오고 계십니다~ 부담없이 참석하여서 여러분이 얻어가고자 하시는 정보를 마음 껏 얻어 가시길 바랍니다~


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