I signed an employment contract when I was overseas. Is it valid in Australia? > 해외취업 이민정보

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매일 360일 오후 1시, 수원 본점 무료 설명회
기숙사, 주차 편의기능지원
20~50대 고소득 국내외 취업교육
1599-0508 전화상담 문의

[호주] I signed an employment contract when I was overseas. Is it valid in Au…

2023-08-16 19:46 1,567 0


(이민성 질문 원문)   

I signed an employment contract when I was overseas. Is it valid in Australia?


호주 내가 아닌 해외에서 작성된 계약서가 호주 내에서도 법적인 효력을 갖나요?

(이민성 답변 원문) 

Any contract you have signed with your sponsor or employment agency when you were overseas is only legal in

Australia if it meets all Australian laws. When working in Australia on a subclass 457 visa, you are entitled to the same

working conditions as Australian permanent residents and citizens, with the additional benefits of your employer

having to comply with the sponsorship undertakings. Phone the Workplace Infoline on 1300 363 264 or go to their

website at www.wo.gov.au for advice about salaries and conditions of employment in Australia.


( 답변 한글번역본 ) 


호주가 아닌 해외에서 작성된 계약서가 호주 내에 법에 근거한 내용이라면 호주 내에서 작성한 계약서와 동등한 효력을 갖는다. 457 비자 소지자는 호주 영주권   시민권   같은 환경에서 일을 했을  동등한 급여를 받을 권리가 있다.


457비자를 스폰  고용주는 호주 내에 노동법과 환경을 제공할 의무를 갖는다. (만약 457비자 소지자가 부당한 처우  부당한 대우를 받았을 경우에 Workplace Infoline 1300 363 264  전화하여 안내  개선을 요청할  있다.


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