Who should pay for my medical costs if I or a family member gets sick while in Australia? > 해외취업 이민정보

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매일 360일 오후 1시, 수원 본점 무료 설명회
기숙사, 주차 편의기능지원
20~50대 고소득 국내외 취업교육
1599-0508 전화상담 문의

[호주] Who should pay for my medical costs if I or a family member gets sick …

2023-08-16 19:46 1,418 0


(이민성 원문) 

Who should pay for my medical costs if I or a family member gets sick while in Australia?

(한글번역본)   호주에 거주  가족이 아팠을  병원비는 누가 내야 하나요?


(이민성 원문)

You and any family dependants should have health insurance for the whole time you are in Australia. If your sponsor

has arranged the health insurance, they should be able to give you the details of your health insurance policy. You can

then find out what health treatment is covered with the insurance company. The health insurance payments should not

be deducted from your salary without your agreement and must not reduce your salary below the Minimum Salary

Level. If you do not have health insurance and you or your family require treatment in a public hospital, your sponsor is

responsible for ensuring the cost is met.



(한글번역본)  457비자로 호주에 입국한 당사자  가족은 의료보험이 있는 것이 유리하다어떤 회사는 고용주가 의료보험을 들어주는 경우가 있다이런 경우에는 고용주에게 어떤 종류에 치료가 보험으로 커버가 되고 안되 고용주에게 문의하여  수가 있다어떤 회사는 고용주가 의료보험을 가입을   457비자 소지자의 동의 없이 월급에서 보험료를 공제  없다.


또한 고용주와 종업원간에 합의하의 보험료를 월급에서 공제하더라도 종업원에게 지급된 인건비가 호주정부에서 해당 직종에 정한 최저임금 아래로 지급되어서는 안된 . 457비자를 소지한 당사자  가족이 보험이 없는 상태에서 치료가 필요한 경우에는 국가에서 운영하는 공공병원에서만 (우리나라에 보건소와 같은 개념에 치료기관치료가 가능하고 해당 치료비가 발생 한다면 호주 정부 또는 해당 병원에서는 457비자 소지자가 소속되어 하고 있는 해당 회사에게 해당 치료비를 청구하게 된다참고로 개인병원인 경우에는 본인이 현금  신용카드로 즉시 결제를 하여야 한다.


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