What type of accommodation am I allowed to live in? > 해외취업 이민정보

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매일 360일 오후 1시, 수원 본점 무료 설명회
기숙사, 주차 편의기능지원
20~50대 고소득 국내외 취업교육
1599-0508 전화상담 문의

[호주] What type of accommodation am I allowed to live in?

2023-08-16 19:47 1,771 0


(이민성 원문)  What type of accommodation am I allowed to live in?

(한글번역본)  (호주 내에 주거의 제한이 있나요?)

(이민성 원문)  In Australia you can live wherever you like. If you wish to find your own accommodation you are allowed to do so.

Some sponsors may offer to provide accommodation but you may choose not to take their offer. If you do take their

offer, they may deduct a fair rent from your salary after tax, but only with your agreement. These payments cannot

reduce your salary below the Minimum Salary Level. Local community groups or the local council may be able to help

you with this. Rental accommodation is usually advertised in the local newspaper. For information or assistance in

home rental matters, you should contact the Residential Tenancies Authority or Office of Fair Trading in your state or

territory. The contact details for these agencies should be in your local telephone directory, the White Pages or on the




 (한글번역본)  457 비자 소유자는 호주내에 어떤 곳이든 거주에 자유가 있다어떤 회사는 기숙사 시설을 직접 보유하고 있는 경우가 있다그러나 해당 부동산을 이용할  또는 이용하지 않을지는 457비자 소지자에게 100% 권리가 있다만약 고용주가 제시한 해당 부동산에 입주를 하는 것에 동의한다면 고용주와 합의하의 해당 부동산에 사용 요금을 고용주( 회사인 경우 인사과장) 종업원 당사자들이 정하여 사용 계약서를 작성하며 해당 사용요금에 대해서 급여에서 공제  있다 이런 경우라도 호주정부에서 정한 해당 직종의 최저임금의 아래로 인건비를 지급하여서는 안된부동산을 구할  일반적인 경우는 교회  한인회 또는 직장동료 같이 직·간접적 인맥을 통하여 도움을 받을수도 있다 다른 방법은 해당 지역의 신문에 나와있는 부동산 광고를 보고 직접 본인이 원하는 부동산에 대해서 알아볼  있다위의 모든 방법대로 알아보았으나 본인이 원하는 부동산을 찾지 못하는 경우에는 Residential Tenancies Authority (www.rta.qld.gov.au / 1300 366 311)  부서로 문의하여 도움을 받을  있다.


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