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[미국] 미국 이민 발급량 폭팔적으로 증가시킬것!

2023-08-16 19:42 2,192 0


Biden’s Immigration Bill Would Increase Green Cards by More Than 375,000 a Year

Annual green card numbers would increase by 35%, according to a new Boundless analysis

Mar 16, 2021

The Biden administration’s proposed immigration bill would increase annual green card numbers by 35%, according to a new Boundless analysis.

Boundless estimates that the number of immigrants obtaining lawful permanent residency (a “green card“) would rise by nearly 375,500 each year if the U.S. Citizenship Act were enacted, bringing the total to about 1.5 million annually. The current baseline is just under 1.1 million green cards per year, using the annual five-year average across Fiscal Years 2014 to 2018.

The greatest increases would be in the employment-based categories and the Diversity Visa program. If the bill passes, an additional 80,000 advanced degree workers would be granted permanent residency, along with more than 78,000 “first preference” workers (people with “extraordinary ability,” university professors and researchers, and executives or managers at multinational companies). The number of Diversity Visas would increase by more than half, from 50,000 to about 120,000 per year.


The U.S. Citizenship Act would make several key changes to “future flows” of legal immigration, including:

     Spouses and minor children of permanent residents: This category would no longer be capped, as is already the case with spouse, minor children, and parents of U.S. citizens.

     Employment-based immigrants: Spouses and minor children of the sponsored worker would no longer count toward annual green card caps. In addition:

     Graduates from U.S. universities with a PhD in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, and math) would not count toward green card caps.

     More green cards would be available for employer-sponsored workers in fields that do not require a college degree.

     More “special immigrant” green cards would be available for Syrian nationals who assisted the U.S. military.

     Diversity visas: Spouses and minor children of the primary applicant would no longer count toward annual green card caps.

     Humanitarian visas: More U visas—and ultimately green cards—would be available for victims of domestic violence and other crimes who cooperate with law enforcement.

The United States currently issues far fewer green cards compared to its peer countries. Canada and Australia, for instance, offer permanent residency to more than twice as many immigrants, and New Zealand triple as many, compared with the United States on a population-adjusted basis.

With the falling birth rate in the United States, “an approximate 37% increase in annual immigration levels is required to help maintain the current age dependency ratio by 2060 and reduce the ill effects associated with significant demographic decline,” according to the National Immigration Forum, an immigrant advocacy group.

바이든 정부의 이민법안은 영주권 발급량을 년간 375,000 증가 시킬 것


년간 발급될 영주권은 35% 증가할 것

미국 시민권 법안이 제정 될 경우 현재 발급되고 있는 영주권이 년간 110만에서 375천이 추가된 150만 정도가 년간 발급 될 것으로 보인다.

제일 큰 폭으로 증가할 프로그램은 Diversity Visa Program일 것으로 예상되며 년간 5만개에서 12만개로 증가할 것으로 보인다. (참고, Diversity Visa Program은 영주권 로또입니다법안 제정 시 고학력 노동자 카테고리에 8만개특수 능력 노동자 (대학교수 및 연구원대기업 임원 등) 78천개가 추가될 것으로 보인다.


위 그래프에 용접사가 봐야 할 것은 중간 Skilled Workers  Lower-skilled worker입니다.
권색은 지난 5년간 평균적으로

 발급된 영주권이며 파랑색은 법안 제정 시 증가량입니다.

법안 제정에 따라 기존 미국 시민권 법안에 변경 사항있을 것으로 보인다:

       배우자 및 자녀영주권자의 배우자 및 자녀에 발급될 영주권 수가 제한되지 않는다

       취업이민배우자 및 자녀에게 발급될 영주권은 년간 발급될 수 있는 영주권 수량에 포함되지 않는다

       미국 대학의 과학기술공학수학 관련 박사학위를 취득한 이민자의 영주권은 정해진 년간 영주권 발급량에 포함되지 않는다

       대학교 졸업장이 필요없는 직종을 위한 영주권 발급량도 증가할 것이다

       영주권 로또 당첨 시 직계 가족은 년간 영주권 발급량에 포함되지 않는다

현재 캐나다와 호주는 인구대비 미국에 비해 영주권을 두배 이상을 발급 하고 있으며 뉴질랜드는 세배 더 발급하고 있다그리고 미국의 출산율이 계속 떨어지고 있기 때문에 이민자가 37% 더 증가해야 2060년까지 현재의 연령 의존 비율을 유지하고 상당한 인구 감소와 관련된 악영향을 줄일 수 있다



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